April 16, 2015

Livability Holton Lee is a diverse charity that not only manages a large and vibrant estate and a thriving garden but organises a number of activities and events throughout the year.

Therefore we rely heavily on volunteers that are happy to get their hands dirty outside or are up for helping us to running things from the office. We believe in supporting the wellbeing of all who join us and in consequence have built up a thriving community of disabled and non disabled volunteers who also get involved in training, meetings and social events together.

From individuals to groups and businesses, from those that come once a week or once a year, we value the contribution of all our volunteers.

We are an organisation that prides ourselves on promoting volunteering for disabled people and non disabled people alike. We maintain a flexible approach and will make every effort to adapt a volunteering opportunities to the needs of an individual or group. Each volunteer is managed and supported by our Volunteer Co-ordinator.

About the Author Andrew

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