Woodland wellbeing 

Our Woodland Wellbeing project offers individuals an opportunity to learn new woodland-based skills, make new friends, gain a sense of meaning, purpose and accomplishment and thrive within our tranquil woodlands at Livability Holton Lee.

Working in natural environments has been proven to:


  • Increase general mental wellbeing
  • Reduce depression, anxiety and stress
  • Increase social contact, inclusion and a sense of belonging


  • Improve happiness and quality of life
  • Increase a sense of peace and relaxation
  • Increase work skills, meaningful activity and satisfaction


[thrive_toggles_group”][thrive_toggles title=”Who is it for?” no=”1/2″]Our programmes support a wide range of individuals including those with a disability, people living with mental health illness and individuals looking to improve their wellbeing through learning new skills, connecting with nature and working with other people in a team.[/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”When does it happen?” no=”2/2″]We currently have sessions running on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 3pm. Spaces are limited, but Big Lottery funding currently allows this to happen at no cost to the participant.[/thrive_toggles][/thrive_toggles_group]
The woodland wellbeing programme is run by skilled and experienced staff and might include:


  • Learning about traditional crafts of coppicing an charcoal making
  • Splitting firewood, producing kindling, creating pea sticks and besom brooms
  • Exploring nature trails, visiting the bird-hides or practicing mindfulness in a woodland setting


  • Developing new skills through practical woodland management and green-woodworking activities (for example, using hand tools to make a garden dibber or stool or weaving willow.)
  • Building campfires and whittling elder twigs into whistles and other creations


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