Space hire – Pavilion 

The Pavilion is a rustic classroom used primarily as a base for our woodland wellbeing project.

With a large central table and chairs it is suitable for small informal meetings for up to 12 people, or groups doing creative workshops. Alternatively it can be used as a base for groups primarily doing outdoor activities out on the field or elsewhere around the site.

The main room is approximately 3m x 6m, with a refreshment station with hot-water boiler, sink and fridge. All events are provided with basic tea and coffee-making resources included in the hire.

Tables, chairs, paper flip-chart and a data projector are available. Wifi access is limited in this part of the site and should not be relied on.

The Pavilion building is situated close to the toilet and shower block for our camp field, and so these facilities are available to users of this space.

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